Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Lovin'

This summer has been one of the best summers yet! Between my two jobs (Hostess/ wannabe waitress at Cheers in Concord and nanny for two adorable little girls!) and spending time with my family, this summer has absolutely flown by. However, I am so excited to start a new chapter of my life at the University of New Hampshire! I am a History major, and I will be taking part in the Accelerated Masters program for Secondary Education. I'm following in my family's footsteps! I will be a seventh-generation teacher. I am inspired by the amazing women and educators in my family, as well as the teachers that I have had. I have also had an amazing time with my family!

So November's right around the corner... and here is a great website to keep in mind while researching the candidates!


Happy researching!

Go ROCK it!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


College is upon us, and there couldn't be a more exciting time to be a Wildcat!

Not only is the fall semester approaching, but the 2012 election is just around the corner.

Check out www.rockthevote.com on all of the deets on the IMPORTANCE of being involved! Being involved in government is COOL... YOU EMPOWER YOURSELF!


Happy Summer!
Keep it rockin'



Sunday, June 10, 2012

I am so proud of my family: The Class of 2012. Congratulations, I will love you forever.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Chapter

"20 years from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Women involved in the Miss America organization are not normal women. Normal women simply do not parade across the stage in a bathing suit to prove that they have the confidence and poise to prove that they are physically fit, that they have the stamina to handle a demanding job, and that they are able to handle any uncomfortable situation. Not everyone is vying to become a State Titleholder to become an ambassador for a nonprofit. Every woman in the Miss America Scholarship Organization is a master at marketing, a public relations liaison for a loved and deserving nonprofit, an entrepreneur for their personal charitable platforms, and a woman who is experiencing a year that will strip her face of her makeup and insecurities, causing her to really find out who she is. I am so proud to say that the young woman who will have this opportunity is Eileen Kelley. This year will not be easy. It's not all smiles and pictures and poses. This will be the greatest growing experience of your life. 
So, my dear Eileen, be prepared to Explore, Dream, and Discover.


Monday, January 16, 2012

~There She Is~

What an AMAZING week! Seriously, Miss America week proved to be phenomenal. From bonding with my lovies (peer MAOT's) to supporting Regan (who won 1st RU for the Quality of Life Award!), to seeing the new Miss America crowned, the experience took my breath away.
Congratulations Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012!
Congratulations Regan, Miss New Hampshire 2011 on a fantastic week! You make us so proud!

Ready for Miss America!
Thank you, Fourpoints! You ROCK!

With Regan at Visitation

Sydney (Mass OT) and me

So blessed to visit the local CMN Hospital
You may not think that you want a baby kangaroo... But you do.

You may not think that you want a baby penguin... But you do.

My 2012 prom date, and the CMNH Champion, Adam! Think we have a chance at Prom King and Queen? 

With our group that sang on Thursday at Miss America, with Dena, the hilarious host!
With David and Carrey, the wonder workers from Regalia!

Singing at Miss America!

With France (Mississippi's OT), so SO good to see her again!

With Karina from DWTS... She's so sweet!