Monday, March 9, 2015

The Week in Review

Miss New Hampshire is right around the corner!

I am so thankful for all of the opportunities that the Miss New Hampshire Scholarship Program gives to young women. This weekend we kicked off the season with the Miss New Hampshire Bootcamp! Preliminaries are April 30 and May 1 ($10), and finals are May 2 ($35). Tickets are still available at‪#‎mnh‬

A new study came out about what makes students THRIVE in college! Check it out!

The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) created the CU Thrive (Colleges and Universities Thrive), a program to help students navigate their college experiences!

"Clearly, students are telling us that the kind of support programs they need are those that see them as a person, not a number, and can address the variety of unique challenges they face as a student that interfere with their ability to persist, both academically and non-academically."
-Delvina Miremadi

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