You can check out these awesome videos, produced by our talented Matt Lane, on the Miss New Hampshire Facebook Page.
We kicked off Miss New Hampshire Week on Saturday with the Miss New Hampshire Ball. Thank you to Ashley Firth of Ashley Lynn Photography for photographing the event!
Dancing Fever runs in the family. |
On Tuesday, we went to the New Hampshire State House, the Centennial Inn for lunch, and to NH1 News for a tour. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of our program!
Yesterday, all 28 contestants met with the judges for a ten-minute interview. Thank you to Katrina French of Katrina Bernard Photography for being our official photographer!
Thank you to Wieczorek Insurance Company for our FABULOUS Miss New Hampshire jackets. They are so warm and snuggly!
Tonight is the first night of preliminary competitions. If you are not able to make the actual show but are still interested in watching it online, you can stream it live by clicking the link below.
Again, thank you so much to everyone who has helped make this week happen. I feel so lucky to share this empowering experience with 27 other incredible young women.