Saturday, March 11, 2017

Reaching Higher in San Antonio!

Hey, Y’All!
This week, I am in San Antonio for the National NASPA Conference! 
What is NASPA, you ask? NASPA (formerly the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) is a professional organization for student affairs administrators in higher education that strives to be “the principal source of leadership, scholarship, professional development, and advocacy for student affairs.” 
Through focusing on integrity, innovation, inclusion, and inquiry, NASPA helps student affairs administrators foster “changemaking” communities. 
What is “Student Affairs,” you ask? Student Affairs is the field that supports students before, throughout, and after their collegiate careers. Student Affairs scholars and practitioners study and work with departments of admissions, student life, academic affairs, financial aid, diversity and inclusion, college access, and college persistence and attainment. 
I will be blogging every day this week!
NASPA Day One 
After walking to the convention center from my hotel with a new student affairs colleague from Lebanon, I checked in and received my name badge and program book. 
For entrance-level professionals and graduate students like myself, today is primarily reserved for networking. The opportunity to become acquainted with and learn from professionals and students from around the world has been amazing! 
San Antonio is also a beautiful city with its own unique culture. The city’s diversity is extremely energizing. 
I will keep you updated on my adventures and learning experiences throughout the week! 

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