Thursday, April 21, 2011

"There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness." ~Lady Blessington

"There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness."  ~Lady Blessington. 

Someone once told me that every single line on a woman's face made her who she is today, because that line was made by a laugh. I started my week, by enjoying the "Parenting New Hampshire" Magazine's, Family Fun Fair. Oh, what a Fun Fair it was! I had a super time meeting adorable little kids from around the state, dancing, and playing! I was also excited when "Max", from the Manchester Monarchs came up to high-five me! Later that day, I competed in a dance competition. The last one of the season before Nationals! (Go NHSB!). Our team did a fabulous job! Love you girls (T.E.A.M) ;). Today, my marvelous mother and I drove down to Boston. I had an interview for a position as an "Official Volunteer" at Children's Hospital Boston. And...I got the position! I was so excited! I can not wait to be volunteering there weekly! I will be volunteering six hours a week, every Thursday. The kids are amazing, and I am so blessed to have this opportunity, as I am sure I will learn so much from them! 
Love and miracles,

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