Thursday, April 30, 2015

"You can't be that kid standing at the top of the water slide, over-thinking it. You have to go down the chute." - Tina Fey

"You can't be that kid standing at the top of the water slide, over-thinking it. You have to go down the chute." - Tina Fey

There are 2 days, 19 hours, 7 minutes, and 53 seconds until the final night of Miss New Hampshire!

Today, I am thankful for all of my friends and family who followed the broadcast tonight. Your support means everything to me. From my friend Annie in Vermont, to my cousins and family, and to my friends in college all around the country: thank you for sharing this journey with me.

A little inspiration <3

Today, I am proud of Holly Blanchard, our Preliminary Swimsuit Winner, and Linda Montminy, our Preliminary Talent Winner! Both of you have worked so hard for this moment! Congratulations, ladies! 

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